Monday, September 14, 2009

Ants 1

Every morning when I go to the kitchen cabinet to make my coffee I find ants crawling all over the honey bear. At first they were only on the outside of the bear's body, but after a few days they figured out how to squeeze themselves underneath the plastic yellow lid. I got quite a shock one day popping open the lid and finding them swarming frantically around the hole where the honey pours out. I thought, oh great, I'm going to find ant carcasses floating around in my coffee. But after I rinsed off the bear and wiped his lid clean, I peered through the clear plastic to see how infested the honey had become. To my surprise there was not a single ant on the inside where all the honey was. Somehow the ants know that they will drown if they try to drink from the ocean of honey contained inside. To save their own lives, they restain themselves, and only nibble the sugar crystals that crust around the edge of the lid.

Love Letters to Ghosts 1

New Day

As if awoken from a nightmare
open my eyes to see
clear morning light streaking across the room
so have you beamed into the world
a fire burning away the darkness

I love you like I do a rainbow
with a wonderment that does not care
to understand the magic
with a wide-eyed awe remaining bright
even after the colors fade

I rarely sleep anymore
dare not let my dreams obscure you
rise and with weary eyes
smile at the sky
warm sun glowing within my heart

Echo Streets 1

I don't want to be an alcoholic
like all those old brilliant writers
who killed themselves

I want to live beyond addictions
beyond mere surviving

but these streets so stormy
with black oil clouds
so beyond scrubbing

what else can one do?
but have a drink
and watch the concrete grow darder


Crushed velvet night
encrusted with so many diamonds
so many

Forgive me
lost in the pink fog of the city
I had almost forgotten